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19. 𝓢𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓦𝓪𝓻: Battlefront


Mod brings 2008 flash game Stick War into Star Wars Battlefront II 2005!


Created by Swag Swag Senate

Mod brings 2008 flash game Stick War into Star Wars Battlefront II 2005!

[Flash is ded rn so idk if you can still play the original Stick War, you can get the pay2win version on play store tho.]


Move the "SWB" folder to 'Star Wars Battlefront II/GameData/addon'


Thanks to Calrissian97 for helpin out with mage's summon weapon.

The mage's summon ability may be one time use, not sure since I'm not the one who made the script. Maybe it only works when all the minions are dead.

Also if you can't capture a mine because there's an enemy castle archer that got out of the garrison (most likely because unit collision), just push them away.

I know I said that I was done with making mods but well, yeah.... LOL. However I don't have any more mods planned after this.
Tbf this mod is an idea I had at the back of my head for years.

The Statue Defend gamemode is actually one I wanted to have in my mods for a while, I originally planned for it to be in my Homelands map in my Mayhem mod.

Be sure to watch the Intro before watching, this download comes with a compressed low quality version of it but you can watch the hd version at:

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